16th January 2020

Meeting held at Mimi’s at 6.00  pm on Tuesday 16 January 2020. 

Meeting 1 2020

Present: Mike Chadha in Chair (MC) attending along with Mrs Chadha, Richard Eason (RE), Raj Verma (RV), Swarn Ghataura (SG),  Joya Roy (JR), 

Apologies: Anoop Singh(?),  Beant Sachar, Ian May , Pratima Pattani(?)

1. Follow up action points from the meeting held on 10 September 2019

2. Update on ongoing issues in the London Borough of Hounslow

ITEM 1 – Attendance 

  1. Concerns were raised regarding the persistent poor attendances at the group meetings despite prior notice, which meant that the meeting arranged for 8th November 2019 could not be held. However, it was acknowledged that whilst the members of this group are sincere supporters of the cause and the work of the group, essential commitments may prevent them from attending these meetings. MC requested the members to make an effort to attend these meetings to ensure this group continues to be effective. 

Action points

  • The second meeting for 2020 will be held on Thursday 5th March (venue and time to be confirmed). Members are requested to attend  
  • SG – to send out a reminder on 4 March via Group WA logo 
  • MC –  to explore IBIS Styles opposite Mimi’s and the Grand Park Hotel as a possible venue.   


RV raised that Hounslow Highways have not been managing the clean up or roads maintenance as per residents’ expectations and are currently under pressure from various resident groups

  • RV reminded the members that Fix My Street is responsible for keeping the Borough clean and asked the members to use this to report any clean up issues

Action Points

  • RV and MC –  to continue regular meetings with the senior manager Wayne Stevenson (WS) at the Council with regards to updates on the work of the council’s managing agent Hounslow Highways
  • RV – to invite WS to attend the next meeting of the group   
  • RV and MC urged the group members to continue their efforts in uploading pictures of uncollected rubbish and any developing rubbish hot spots on Fix My Street website 

ITEM 3 – Installation of CCTV:

  1. Following up from the last action points: Hibernia Road and the New Heston Road and St Leonard Church junction have improved as a result of CCTV installations. RV is in regular contact with the Council with regards to any ongoing issues at Hibernia Road. 
  2. However, with regards to the junction between Westbrook Road and Church Road and right in front of the Westbrook Primary School: the small green area is persistently used for residential rubbish dumping. This spot appears to be favoured by passers-by and repeat offenders for depositing large and medium size domestic rubbish including discarded furniture and sharp metal objects. Given that this area is regularly used by the children and parents alike, JR raised concerns that such hot spots might lead into serious health and safety incidents involving the school children if not monitored or if continued to be ignored. 
  3. The same green spot and nearby parking lot in front of the Westbrook Primary School on Westbrook Road is regularly used in the evenings for suspect activities (a young girl from the school was approached for unspecified purposes – as the source does not wish to be identified, no further information possible).  
  4. JR suggested installing CCTV covering the surrounding area would greatly benefit the children, parents and the residents. 
  5. RE – The council has launched a new CCTV monitoring centre on 9th January 2020, which would have the capacity to capture areas covered by as many as 700 CCTVs within the borough. However, there is obvious budgetary constraints in use of these facilities.
  6. RE – Further, provision has been been made for a rapid deployment of CCTV in areas identified by the council as appropriate.  RE noted such areas as discussed above by JR may benefit from rapid deployment
  7. RE –   noted the location for further attention and also stressed that Council leader, Steve Curran, takes personal interest in such incidents and likes to be kept informed
  8. MC –  noted that the Council also publishes videos of the perpetrators in their websites every month 

 Action Points 

  • RE: to send details of the Council Officials/Catherine Dunn and Steve Curran to JR,  so that an email can be sent out on behalf of the Group for better CCTV coverage of hot spots in the areas concerned. 

ITEM 3 – Clean Borough awareness at School levels

  1. MC has been in touch with the Heathland School who have been engaging with their students to keep the school vicinity clean. It appears the Heathlands School is making good efforts in keeping this area clean. 
  2. Kusum Joshi and JR visited Westbrook Primary School. The Deputy Head expressed sincere interest in keeping the school neighbourhood clean and free of negative activities. There was mutual support for a further discussion on how to undertake small projects such as  turning the green patch mentioned in item 2/paragraph 3  (which is currently a hotspot) from a dumping waste spot into a garden area in summer. There was concern for budgetary constraints in undertaking such projects. 
  3. RE stated that the Council may be willing to help in such positive attempts towards keeping the borough clean and it would be worthwhile to approach the Council for financial help. The borough has been nominated as one of the Borough of Culture in 2020.
  4. MC stressed that engaging the local schools and its young people remains the Group’s original, ongoing and prime objective in order to create a perpetually safe and clean  environment in this borough. 
  5. The group also discussed the effectiveness of engaging the Education Officer from the Education Department at the Council in order to establish further contacts with the suggested schools as per discussed at an earlier meeting. 

Action Points

  • JR  – this being an outdoor project – further discussion with the Westbrook Primary School as summer approaches
  • MC –  i) to continue his discussion with Heathland School; ii) to get in touch with Mitta (no longer a member), Beant Sachar and Anoop for any feedback from the action points on engaging school children and the parents so similar initiatives at School levels can be continued by the end other members in their individual vicinities. 

Item 4 -The next Blitz –

  1. Keeping up with the Group’s lively approach on Clean up The Borough theme, the group discussed a novel wayto engage with the local community to actively participate in the next Blitz. To increase participation it was agreed to organise such initiative in direct collaboration with the council. 
  2. The next Blitz day is to be organised on Sunday 15th March from 11.00 – 15.00.

 Action Points

  • SG :  To  organise the Blitz  under the theme/heading –  “Clean up Bhangra”. The day is expected to be full of fun clean up, music and dance activities. SG to update with further details once a suitable location is chosen.
  • RV: to formally inform the Council of the location and invite Steve Curran and Wayne Stevens to attend 
  • MC to ask Wayne Stevens as to his own participation at the next Blitz.

ITEM 5:  Social Media 

  1. The Group acknowledged that there has been inadequate support and skill within the Group for setting out a good website representing the group’s interest. With this in mind the group agreed to seek professional support in launching a Clean Up Hounslow Group website, which would also provide each member with an email address under the Group’s banner to promote a professional spirit.
  2. As per previous discussion, the group agreed on following three features to be included in the website:
  3. How to register/become a member
  4. How to the Hounslow Clean Up Group e.g.,  adminstrator@HCUG.com
  5. A generic email address as above for all members which can be used by the members to establish their credentials. 

Action Points

  • RV to approach Hounslow council for a small funding for this purpose 


  • RE – as per agreement at the earlier meeting,  the Group requested RE to take up the issue of overgrown shrubs in the Borough with the Transport for London.
  • Anoop – to provide the group with an update on the re-opening of the Spaceways recycling centre at the next meeting 
  • RV – There is a noticeable increase in various street traders and shops blocking the pavements in the Borough. RV- to enquire from the Council the rules/ terms/conditions for the occupancy of pavements by the street vendors and shops. 

Next meeting on will be held on 5th March 2020. Anyone not attending to send any issues they want discussed in writing.