Our new innovative initiativeBy Cleanuphounslow
Friday 26 Nov.21
…….. get the residents to clear the weeds in their streets . They are encouraged to assist eldery, disabled Neighbours and so forth ……..
Cleanuphounslow members attended a pre station/ meeting , on Thursday 7 October 21 by Hounslow Highways at Hounslow House Council Offices .
HH mentioned the they were extremely concerned and aware of the weeds all over Hounslow and probably all over UK . They are restricted to use toxic weed killer.
They are overstretched, have employed extra staff and also have done weed clearing in some areas that were shown to senior management with a walk about in some streets by DBBS residents association and Cleanuphounslow.They were also shown flytipping hotspots . Cleanuphounslow and DBBS Residents Association were very grateful for what Hounslow Highways did .
So, here we are – WEEDING DAY is born . Mark your Calandar’s 26 November 21.
Let’s start planning .