I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for your interest in, and commitment to the cleaner, greener borough workshops held on the 15th and 29th June.
Following on from the connections made over the course of the two Saturday sessions, we’re supporting local neighbourhood blitzes and working with individuals who wanted to develop greening projects. In a similar vein, with the declaration of a climate emergency at Borough Council, we will also be working with interested residents to develop a climate change action plan.
As we all recall, there were a broad range of ideas and proposals put forward. There’s still lots to be done in order to see your proposals have the greatest possible impact. If we haven’t already done so, we’ll be in touch with everyone who proposed an idea or a more thought-through proposal. We will also be sharing those proposals on our social media channels, so please do take a moment to share them with your networks and get more people interested in the ideas you want to make happen in your local area.
Once again, thank you very much indeed for coming along, for engaging with the issue, and for providing such a range of passionately-argued proposals to improve the borough. Here’s to a successful ongoing collaboration!
Very best wishes,
On behalf of the Cleaner, Greener Team
Dr Paul Probert,
Head of Policy, Scrutiny and Intelligence,
Hounslow House,
London Borough of Hounslow